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Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Garlic Knots

Garlic Knots
Whole Wheat Flour, for rolling
1 ½ lbs. whole-wheat pizza dough (I used the kind from whole foods)
4 cloves of garlic
½ cup olive oil, plus more for brushing
¼ cup parsley
1 pinch kosher salt

Preheat the oven to 375 degrees.  Brush a large baking sheet with olive oil.
Roll out the pizza dough into a large rectangle (about the size of a standard plastic cutting board).  Cut the pizza dough in half horizontally, then cut it into about 1-inch pieces vertically to make bread stick like slices.  Next tie them into knot shaped (or you can leave them just in the strips and make bread sticks) and place them in the oven and bake for 20-25 minutes. 
While you are baking the knots, grate the garlic finely into a sautée pan with the half-cup of olive oil and parsley.  Heat on low heat for about 5 minutes or until fragrant.  After the knots come out of the oven, while they are still hot, pour the garlic oil into a large bowl and toss all of the knots in the warm oil until completely coated.  Eat immediately!  Can be kept for a few days (if they last that long!)

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