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Monday, April 29, 2013

And the results are....

We went to the pediatric food allergist today who was very helpful.  She confirmed that Major's reaction is definitely FPIES with procotocolitis (basically fancy word for bloody stools).  She said that this type of reaction is NOT life threatening.  That if he directly ingests dairy or soy (soy is new) that he would most likely vomit until he becomes listless and dehydrated, so we would need to get him to a hospital to get fluids.  The hives are still a bit of a mystery because she scratch tested him for dairy, soy, tree nuts, shellfish, celery, and beef and everything came up negative.  She still thinks that the hives are coming from contact to milk.  She said to basically keep wiping everything down that he touches and be vigilant about not allowing him to ingest any milk or milk products but that we didn't have to worry very much about anaphylaxis!  She also said that I could send him to Mother's day out/ nursery school as long as we had a plan and they were very careful!! 
What does this mean for our future?  That is the GREAT part!  She said there is a very high probability that he will outgrow this by the age of 3!  She wants to do a food challenge when he is 2, where they admit him to the hospital and feed him small amounts of dairy and/or soy while he is hooked up to an IV in case he throws up so much that he becomes dehydrated.  She also said that I should plan on breastfeeding until Major is 2 if he will do it that long. 
The nutritionist said that we were doing great, to limit his dairy substitute to 16 oz. a day to try to promote solid eating and breastfeeding and to switch him to oat milk because it has some protein in it.  Otherwise she said to keep doing what we are doing! 
Thank you all so much for your love, support, and prayers.  We could not have made it this far without everyone's understanding and support!  We love you all!

1 comment:

  1. That's amazing news! I'm so excited for you! Major is so lucky to have you as his mama. You're doing a great job. I bet it was nice to hear her encourage you to keep breastfeeding! What a wonderful thing you're able to do for him.
