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Thursday, May 16, 2013

Turkey Herb Meatballs

Turkey Herb Meatballs
½ onion
2 garlic cloves
9 fresh sage leaves
9 fresh basil leaves
leaves from 5 sprigs of thyme
leaves from a 6 inch piece of fresh rosemary
¼ cup flat leaf parsley
1 handful baby spinach
1 pound ground turkey thighs
1  three finger pinch kosher salt
olive oil for the pan

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Combine all of the ingredients except for the olive oil and turkey into a food processor.  Whir the ingredients up until finely chopped and no huge chunks are present.  Add in the meat and pulse until combined thoroughly.  Meanwhile, brush olive oil on a nonstick baking sheet for extra insurance because these guys STICK!  Using a small (2 tablespoon) ice cream scoop, scoop up the meat and put the scoops onto the pan.  Bake for 20 minutes or until the internal temperature of the meatballs is 165 degrees.  Let cool for 5 minutes and then serve hot with marinara sauce, or alone!  These are a great finger food for toddlers! 

Note:  These meatballs come out a nice shade of green due to the spinach in them.  You cannot taste it but if the color bothers you our your child you can omit the spinach!

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