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Saturday, May 4, 2013

Gnocchi Bolognese

Tonight I made Gnocchi with Bolognese sauce for dinner.  It was quite labor intensive but every delicious bite was worth the work!  On our trip to New York, we ate at this delicious kosher restaurant called Tevere, where I got gnocchi Bolognese that inspired this dish. 
I adapted two recipes from the food network web site.  I made Tyler Florence’s Bolognese sauce found here, and the only change I made was to substitute (organic soy and dairy free, pacific brand) chicken broth for the milk.  The sauce is delicious and made plenty so I have tons to freeze and use for other recipes.  I am thinking about trying dairy and soy free lasagna next.
  For the Gnocchi, I used Mario Batali’s recipe found here.   Instead of coating the gnocchi in the oil (I didn’t read the recipe before starting, oops!) I put the half-cup of oil into the gnocchi and I thought they tasted delicious this way.  After I mixed all of the ingredients together, I kneaded the dough thoroughly (until dry to the touch on the outside) on a cutting board.  I then broke off palm-sized chunks of dough, rolled them into a half-inch diameter tube, and then sliced them into half-inch long dumplings.  I didn’t roll them on a fork or special gnocchi roller, because I found this step to be unnecessary.  Next, I boiled a pot of water, or Jeff did for me, and put the gnocchi in about 15 at a time and boiled them until they floated on top of the water.  After they floated, we immediately removed them and put them into the Bolognese sauce so they could soak up the goodness as they cooled.  Serve hot!  They also reheat really well in the microwave!  I hope you enjoy the results as much as we did!

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