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Friday, March 29, 2013

Grandmother Williams' Banana Pudding

Grandmother Williams’ Banana Pudding (Dairy Free Style)
1 c sugar
½ c flour
3 eggs
1 can coconut milk (light or regular)
1 tsp. vanilla extract
3-4 bananas, sliced

Combine the first 4 ingredients in a saucepan and whisk over medium heat until thickened. (About 10 minutes)  After the pudding is thickened (you can do this to whatever consistency that you like, but I usually do it so it’s thick enough to stand on its own in a pie) remove it from the heat and whisk in the vanilla extract.  After this I slice the bananas and stir them into the pudding.  Pour into a jar, container, or piecrust and cover with saran wrap so a skin doesn’t form.  It can be eaten hot or refrigerated!  

I think this pudding would be delicious with whipped coconut milk on top instead of whipped cream too!  I adapted the recipe from a recipe that my great grandmother made or banana pudding, but used coconut milk instead of evaporated milk and I can’t tell the difference!  I hope you like it as much as we do!  

Allergens: Gluten, Egg

banana oatmeal pancakes

Banana Oatmeal Pancakes
1 ½ cups coconut milk (or other nondairy milk)
1 cup oats (not steel cut, quick or rolled work best)
2 medium sized bananas
½ cup white whole wheat flour
½ teaspoon salt
1 T. plus 1 tsp aluminum free baking powder
vegan butter or nonstick cooking spray as needed

In your blender put the “milk” and oatmeal, and puree until smooth.  Next, put in the bananas, flour, salt, and baking powder and pulse until it creates a smooth batter. 
Heat a nonstick pan or griddle over medium-high heat.  Put some oil or vegan butter on a paper towel, and rub it on the pan so that the pancakes don’t stick. (Trust me, you don’t want to skip this step!)  Add about ¼ cup of the batter onto the griddle for each pancake.  Cook them slowly until bubbles form on the tops and the edges begin to look dry.  This usually takes about 5 minutes per side or less depending on how high of heat you use.   
Heat a large nonstick pan over medium heat.  Add a small amount of butter or nonstick cooking spray, then scoop ¼ cup of the batter for each pancake into the pan. Cook on the first side until bubbles form and the sides begin to look a little bit dry.  Flip and cook for about 5 minutes on the other side or until golden brown!  Your pancakes are ready to eat!  I love them with Syrup but Major loves them plain!
Yield: 8 pancakes. 

Allergens: Gluten

I sometimes make these with white whole wheat flour.  These pancakes are Major’s favorite thing to eat for breakfast, or sometimes a breakfast supper as well!  I love that they have fruit in them as well as carbs!  A definite must if you have a child with a dairy or egg allergy.  They’re also fabulous if your child has a stomach bug or sensitive stomach.  The bananas really help with, things that go with a stomach bug, if you know what I mean!  

Thursday, March 28, 2013

brownies? yes please!

This is a link to a delicious gluten and dairy free recipe for brownies!  I served them to my in-laws and they loved them.  They’re very rich and fudgy, a real crowd pleaser!

vegan goldfish recipe

Vegan Goldfish
4 oz. weight (1/2 package) cheddar style grated daiya (or other cheese) substitute)
4. oz. weight (1/2 package)pepperjack style grated daiya
4 Tablespoons Butter substitute, cut into cubes (I used Earth’s balance sticks)
1 cup white whole wheat flour (GF or any other flour you like can be substituted)
¾ teaspoons Salt
2 Tablespoons Cold Water

Pulse everything (except water) together in the food processor until the dough resembles coarse sand.
Pulse in water, 1 tablespoon at a time.
Remove dough from the processor, wrap in plastic, and chill for 20 minutes.
Roll out the dough and cut into desired shapes. You can use a toothpick to make the eyes and smile if desired. Place on a parchment paper lined cookie sheet.
Bake at 350 degrees F for about 15 minutes, or until crispy.
Makes approximately 7 dozen crackers.

Allergens: Gluten
Adapted from:
(I made mine bigger so Major could eat them easier!)